Of Emotions
We are a Consortium of Alassian traders, born in 2012, who came together with the aim of enhancing our city and to be present and connected with our guests and customers. We are convinced that animate Alassio with our initiatives constitutes an added value, taking care, together with colleagues from the other categories, of the tourist excellence of the area.
Marta Ferrario
Loredana Polli
Stefano Trezzani
Marta Ferrario
Barbara Siri
The consortium was born in February 2012 through the initiative of a group of Alassian traders eager to give concrete answers to the need for coordination of the category; with the primary purpose of promoting Alassio and its activities, it claims to represent a useful tool for the realization of
tourist-commercial initiatives. The consortium as of 04 / 11 / 2012 counts 292 consortium companies, achieving the primary purpose that the same consortium had set itself for the first year of activity: to aggregate, in the belief that only by coordinating shared promotional
strategies can these find maximum confirmation with the lowest possible investment of resources. The goal remains that of coordinating commercial initiatives but
in any case transversal to all
economic categories through
the collaboration of
all consortium activities. City cleaning and urban furniture City safety Fight against
illegal commercialism Promotion and tourism, planned, adapted to the times and of quality aimed at seasonal adjustment It is not a coincidence that the Consortium can intervene mainly on the fourth point which remains fourth also in order of importance as for the conviction of the consortium members no policy can be implemented of quality tourism promotion without first having resolved and consolidated the first three points. There is also an order in priorities and this is ours. Having made this clarification, the quality of the initiatives and therefore their planning must be guaranteed to the detriment of having to give up making a few more. We believe that we should focus on events that lead to an increase in out-of-season presences but above all the days of stay trying to focus on events that extend the weekend. We believe that a policy of seasonal adjustment is fundamental to guarantee the continuity of the Alassian trade throughout the year; we believe that out of season we should focus on sports, wellness, congress and international tourism, while during the season, in addition to internationalization, we should only limit ourselves to devoting all energy to
finding the
right balance between the needs
of families and youth
fun which constitute our consolidated core business. Different strategies and policies for equally different tourist moments. 1) Non-political: Independent and autonomous from the Municipal administration. 2) Purposeful and collaborative: Consistently with what is mentioned in point 1, the consortium acts as a promoter and supporter of the initiatives that are in tune with the aforementioned purposes, not supporting those in contrast with them. Having said this, we also believe that if on the one
hand the
administration cannot promote successful events without the participation of the city, on the other, the consortium activities cannot think of creating successful initiatives without
the full
support of the city. 'municipal administration. 3) Representative: The consortium intends to represent the totality of the consortium's activities
throughout the
Alassian territory and the hamlets 'no one should feel potentially excluded '. 4) Volunteer His action is based solely on the 'voluntary work of the consortium members, no fees or emoluments are provided for anyone. 5) Transparent: the information and involvement of the consortium members represents the 'modus operandi ' of the consortium that is carried out both through a branched
representation structure on the territory which guarantees 'word of mouth
' and personal relationship with the representatives of the consortium, both through modern means of communication and offered by the network (internet: website, facebook, email, news letters) which is also entrusted with an important promotional 'mission '. 6) With a commercial soul and extended to all activities: The consortium was also born from the need to represent the largest category of Alassio, that of traders, in the opinion of the constituent
consortium members, not adequately represented; the word shopping is the expression. At the same time, the consortium addresses all other activities (agencies, restaurants, hotels, bathrooms, etc.) starting
from the consideration that participation and synergies between all activities are the basis of success or failure of any tourist initiative. The consortium is made up of all those activities that are associated by sharing their principles and which therefore make themselves available to actively participate by adhering to the planned initiatives. a council composed of a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 15 business
owners, directors, who promote, sift and discuss the initiatives in order to draw up a calendar shared with the municipal administration and with institutions or other promoters of events in tune with the aforementioned purposes. The councilors are also the representatives of the
Alassini 'borghi ' and are elected iere di borgo 'by the same consortium members belonging to the same village, this in order to allow the maximum representation and possibility of communication between the consortium members and the council. à indicated in the statute. Consistent with this need, the offices in the first year will be reviewed at the end of the same year instead of the two-year period foreseen for the following years and the president cannot be the same for more than two terms.